Video shot by Pilot & youtube user Ryan Mohr
Published on Jul 26, 2013
“See these amazing video clips of the only two remaining flying Howard 500’s. First time video footage of the two Howard 500’s in flight together in formation. Both Howards are owned by Tony Phillippi of Tp Aero.
“In the 1950s, Dee Howard, and his legendary mechanic, Ed Swearingen, pioneered executive transportation with their conversions of military bombers. Seeking the ultimate in radial engine pressurized business transport, Dee relentlessly pushed his crown jewel, the Howard 500, to production. The Howard 500 was put into service in 1963. It was the last radial engine passenger transport built. Dee built 17 Howard 500s for a select Who’s Who of industry and entertainment. Today, pilot after pilot, mechanic after mechanic, approaches and walks around N500HP with reverence and respect.”